About us
1978 saw the launch of Interpêche, a fishing tackle specialist in Lausanne,
The best prices
At Interpêche you’ll get competitive prices and quality service. Our people are passionate about what they do, and their many and varied skills in this field make them outstanding professionals. We don’t use the term vendor. Our people are service-minded advisors who seek to maintain a lasting relationship with their customers.
Tailor-made services
Our advisors are first and foremost people who know the needs of the fishermen with whom they share so many affinities. They’ll be happy to give you tips and advice worth their weight in gold. Their skills are put to the test as soon as they are hired, and each of them has to add his or her own specialty to join our ranks.
We deliver throughout Switzerland.
Customer services
You can reach us from Tuesday to Saturday on 021 323 33 67.
Secure payment
You can pay securely by credit card or bank transfer